Dispatch the Self-Defense Forces to the Middle East navigation ...

Munich In the Middle East, Africa Safety Seminar] held | 0 years ...

Dispatch the Self-Defense Forces to the Middle East navigation ... Munich [Middle East Africa Safety Seminar] held 0 date, JETRO in Munich, Germany, [experts talk about the Middle East Africa latest situation and business risk] held a safety seminar entitled, Japanese companies parties of about 0 people attended. In this seminar, which was held as part of the emerging countries subsidy business of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, it was introduced about the latest political security situation and business risk in the Middle East Africa region. Safety seminar in the overseas became the times eyes Last year, Istanbul and continued to held in Tokyo, times eyes this safety seminar (Overseas times eyes) became a is directed to the Japanese companies to do business in the Middle East Africa region, Germany (one goods) Cooperation Center for the Middle East It is what was held in accordance with the was held in Munich [Middle East cooperation local conference].
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