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Reward to justice - terrorism - ISIS abduction network

Dispatch the Self-Defense Forces to the Middle East navigation ... Information about acts of terrorism ISIS abduction network US State Department of the remuneration to the justice program] is a Christian clergy Maherumafuuzu, Michael mosquitoes Yar, Gregory Ibrahim, Borusuyajigi, ISIS abduction network was abducted Paorodarrorio reward of up to 000,000 US dollars or in information about the person who, to provide the money. The reward money is intended to be provided in a significant milestone in the fight against the United States of ISIS. Abduction of religious leaders is a personal no ruthless tactics and crime by ISIS to prove to the approval of the be targeted. 0 date, Greek Orthodox priest Maherumafuuzu, Armenian Catholic Church, Father Michael mosquito Jarl, was riding in a public bus to go to the monastery in the Kafurun of Syria. At the point of about 0 kilometers from Aleppo, stop the person who is the bus you think that the extremists of ISIS, after checking the documents of the passengers who were down the Father of the two people from the bus.
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